Prince Charming
The heir to the Allura throne, Prince Charming is much more interested in becoming a knight than just a prince. Everyone in the kingdom flock to any public appearance he has with hopes of catching his attention. He even has his own loyal fan club!
In actuality, Charming is dissatisfied with the attention he garners. His appearance is nothing but a disguise thanks to the enchanted earrings he wears. He both envies and admires Jack because, although he's a peasant, he has plenty of friends that like him for him and not his looks.
His only friend is Anatina, a swan maiden.
To his subjects, Charming is the model of the perfect guy. But in reality, Charming has habits many outside his kingdom find to be rude. One example is his tendency to refer to nearly everyone outside his castle as peasants. Another example is his lack of filter when talking about other Bookmarked and magical beings, often regurgitating the same statements his father, King of Allura, makes. A king who has a large distrust in all magic, save for the kind that benefits him.
Unfortunately for his father, Charming is extremely curious about the magical side of Lore and what it means to be Bookmarked. This curiousity often leads him to the Fabled Five, which leads him to getting on Jack's nerves as his rude mannerisms and curiousity is a recipe for disaster.
Charming is prone to cockiness and enjoys a good rivalry. Whenever Jack is around, the prince is always trying to provoke him into a sparring match. Whenever that fails, he tries to bond with him. Sadly, this "bonding" takes the form of Charming bragging about his own feats while trying to egg Jack on to share his own. The prince is completely oblivious to how smug he comes off, especially since Jack is much more humble.
Thankfully, Charming thinking so highly of himself means he rarely ever backs down from a challenge. This means if anyone needs help or is in trouble, he is there to lend a hand (and some sparkles). He loves finding new ways to be helpful...and a show off.
Unsurprisingly, Charming has self esteem issues and becomes a sulking sad puppy whenever he takes his earrings off. Whenever he notices a flaw in himself, he immediately seeks validation, often from Anatina. He becomes a nervous wreck whenever something happens to his earrings and has full blown panics whenever he misplaces them.
Relationships (WIP)
His bestie he'd do anything for.
Jack Dorado
His rival and complete opposite.
Nana Hunter
Skills and Abilities
Charming is healthy and able bodied-with his stamina high and his motivation even higher.
Enchanted Earrings
A "gift" from his father, these earrings are what maintain his princely appearance and sparkles
The Bright Blade is a sword that Charming can change the tangibility of. With one swing, he can slice an opponent in half and never pierce their flesh.
- Charming's sparkles are tangible but they fade away in seconds. He finds them annoying but his loyal subjects love them, so he bares with it.