Piper Mint Hollis


Pepper, known by close friends as Piper, may or may not be the son of a certain rat king who frowns upon his choice of freelancing instead of ruling a rat army. He is great with a tune. He is usually in his guard tower and is in charge of sounding alarms.


Piper is a rather carefree guy...on the surface. He tries hard to avoid worrying people and likes to make others happy but struggles with his own emotions at times. He feels a lot of stress from his father, especially during the holidays. Piper strongly dislikes those that uses others for their own gains and prey on the weak.

Skills and Abilities

Piper can speak to and understand mice, rats, and all those in between.

Rat King Abilities

Due to being a Rat King, Piper is actually a bunch of rats working as a hive mind being. He can break apart into a mischief of rats or drop pieces of him that become individual rats themselves. All separated rats are still him, as they a maintain a mental connection of sorts. This ability is helpful in scouting and delivering mail.


Wandering Whistle allows Piper to create visual and auditory illusions just from his whistling

Mood Reading
Piper is capable of picking up on the mood of another. He can also translate the emotion into a tune he whistles which can be especially helpful in illusion manipulation.
