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A catgirl. much of her time is spent as a performer for hire. When she isn't at random venues, she's streaming at home to her small fanbase. And when she isn't streaming to her fanbase, she's hanging out with her big alien cyborg partner, Pluto.


Nova is nice and sweet until you try to take her for granted. She's quick to jump to the help of those in need, even if she isn't that well equipped for the situation.


Nova is the daughter of a human and a feline alien. She dealt with her fair share of bullies growing up until it became cool for people to get cat people modifications. Now she has to deal with people mistakenly thinking her genetics were thanks to technology. However, she does benefit from the shift in views as she is no longer viewed as a freakshow and is instead seen as a cute potential mascot.

Using her own aesthetics to her advantage, she decided to become a cyber performer, a new age idol who brings serotonin boosts to others without the need of modifying herself. Course, this means a lot of bumps in the road but she was confident she would overcome them. With how things are on the internet, and Nova being too nice for her own good-she def interacted with a ton of people when she was first starting as an artist.And the downside of that is you easily mistake people who just want to use you for friends.

Nova's ex was one of these people. He started things off as a fan and got closer to her since Nova was such a small creator, it was easy to slip into her dms. Things went fine for a while with their relationship, even when it got romantic. Of course it soon got sexual and Nova was a bit nervous at first but she was reassured constantly and things only escalated. During this time, her ex shifted in interactions and basically would almost always talk about sexual stuff with her to the point she'd have to change topics. She'd just brush it off as him being a lovable perv since he'd chill after seeing her turn some advances down but it was a constant pattern. Her ex mainly really wanted to smash and as soon as possible since that was his main goal for an irl meeting. Sure seeing his long distance gf is neat but the man was sick of PNGs and ERPing.

And then they met irl and had sex for the first time. It was...def a thing. It was consensual of course but Nova's first time sucked. He swore the next time would be better and since he wasn't that bad of a guy-Nova took him up on it. I mean, the man let them cuddle after sex so that had to mean something. So what if the next morning, he was already outta bed and getting dressed while Nova was still sleeping

The second time was better than the first by only a slight margin. They smashed a couple more times but it didn't really get better. Eventually Nova noticed how any time they met irl, it would end in subpar sex. Sure they had a date, altho ex was constantly in a rush to bang and Nova had to get him to enjoy the moment. But it was obvious the visits were mainly for sex and dating was just a bonus. And then the visits became less frequent as well as the messages. Days turned to weeks and then a month. Nova eventually had to begin conversations just to have them. Ex swore he loved her but he stopped coming to her streams and would forget when she released a new song-often having to be notified through dms by Nova herself. Which was strange since Ex literally met her via being a fan.

The break up was a situation. You see, the only time Ex and Nova could meet physically was Ex coming to her from a different city. Nova never visited Ex and whenever she tried, he'd make excuses. So Valentine's day came and she decided as a cute surprise, she'd go to him for a cute little date. She looked up the best places to go and planned everything out for the day.

Imagine her surprise when she showed up and saw Ex with someone else.

Now, Nova isn't a ditz. Her heart was broken and her wallet was aching from that plane ticket but Nova is petty. So instead of just confronting him through tears, she simply texted him that it's over. When he responded why, she told him to turn around and was met with a face full of homemade cupcakes that Nova had made. She immediately made herself scarce. She hung around the city, hitting up the spots she wanted to see bc that was an expensive ass plane ticket

When she returned home, she cried and sobbed over being just a booty call who was referred to as a business trip whenever Ex's actual girlfriend asked where he was headed to.

Sadly, this was only the start of her fall from grace as her Ex had been a rather popular internet personality. And he had an image to keep that would be destroyed by the truth of him cheating on his loyal girlfriend. So he spun the entire situation into one where he was the victim. He crafted an elaborate story to tell his girlfriend where Nova came onto him first. His girlfriend, not knowing any better and having no reason to believe he was lying, immediately believed him. The two winded up releasing a video where the lie was spread to their followers, leading to mass dogpiling on Nova.

Due to Nova deleting her previous messages with her Ex out of heartache and anger, she had nothing she could use to defend herself. And when she tried to share her story, people simply criticized her. She was called naive for ignoring all the red flags and was basically chased out of the music community. Her dreams of being a cyber idol were shattered.

Nova desperately needed an escape and a break from all the online drama. And with her IRL friends being into gaming, it only made sense that she fell into the habit as well. Eventually, it became something that brought her joy during all the hardships. So much so that when she returned to the online world, she completely rebranded from being a singer to becoming a small gaming streamer with her friends. Over the years, she winded up regaining a small following.

Of course, streaming wasn't enough to pay the bills and Nova had to find another source of income to make sure she kept a roof over her head. Eventually, she became a mascot-for-hire. It was similar to her original idol job, but instead of big and fancy gigs, she often wound up doing small odd jobs here and there. Every so often she would get lucky and land a big job but most of her returning customers were small family businesses.

During one of these gigs, she would wind up having her first run in with Pluto, better known as "Hellhound". After having a hit that was more of a flighter than a fighter, Pluto winded up accidentally crashing one of Nova's jobs while on hunt. And rather than Nova just standing by and watching the battle, she stepped in and beat the target up to bring the fight to an end. She then promptly began to rip in Pluto, verbally, as she gave them a piece of her mind about their carelessness.

Pluto fell in love almost instantly with her.

When Pluto showed signs of interest, she just brushed them off and kept going. So when Pluto started following through with their admiration, Nova had mixed feelings. Pluto was a lot better looking than her ex by a longshot but she wasn't trying to be another notch on someone's belt. Eventually they settled on simply having a "Friend with Benefits" type of friendship to satisfy both of their needs for companionship.

Of course, their friendship deepened and developed into a serious romantic relationship, though both would be hard pressed on agreeing where they crossed over into being lovers instead of just buddies.

Skills and Abilities

Being half human and feline alien, Nova is a lot more flexible and acrobatic than the average human. She can also leap at higher distances and always land on her feet. She also has quicker reflexes which means she is quite the threat in a battle.

A "mental" connection she shares with Pluto. It really is just a drop of their alien goop that they consentually implanted in her. This allows the two to talk to each other without needing to speak verbally. It also allows Nova to see how Pluto is doing healthwise, giving her the ability to give them a "catscan" just like they can do a scan on her.

Meowling Genes

Nova has both normal claws and those enhance by her gamma cells. They are great for close combat as well as scaling surfaces. She has perfect vision in the dark and can observe quick movements others cannot. Her nose is strong, allowing her to pick up even the most minor of scents, making her great at tracking. Nova also has a keen sense of hearing. Which tends to suck due to her residing in a cheap apartment.

Cat Mode
Nova has a monster form. Granted, it's very small and fluffy but it holds even more power than her default form. Her Meowling abilties are increased tenfold at the added cost of being even harder to be taken seriously.

Gamma Gato

An interesting mutation in Nova's genes has allowed her the ability to basically manifest energy and turn it into a weapon. However, she becomes radioactive in this form and the more power she uses, the more radiation she puts out. Pluto is the only one capable of being exposed to her in close proximity for extended periods of time. They're also the only one capable of allowing her to use this ability without it backfiring on her thanks to their body being able to contain and regulate dangerous elements.

Nova Burst
Nova can build up energy and release in a powerful burst. This is damaging to both her opponents as well as her and has been noted to lower her lifespan, thus leading to this being a last resort technique.


  • Nova's appearance was inspired by Kimba the White Lion.
  • Nova's guilty pleasure is cat food. Specifically the wet food that you get in a can.