Ashe Stokes

A full body of Ashe grinning towards the viewer with her tongue out. One hand is held up in a hand-horns pose while the other rests on her hip.


The friendly neighborhood pyro, Ashe is always ready for some grand adventure or a heist. She hails all the way from Allura and winded up moving to Briar Patch after a chance meeting with the Fabled Five (who were only the Fabled Four at the time). Moving out of her original home was a no brainer due to the mistreatment she'd constantly receive from her step-family.

She gets her fascination with fire from her mother, who was a fairy that could control fire.



❧Skills and Abilities



Ashe is energetic, loud, and incredibly optimistic. She is always up for some grand event or a miniscule trot. She rarely takes things very seriously, taking a jokester approach to life.

Due to her past with her step sisters, she doesn't have very high self esteem and struggles when it comes to accepting compliments. She also gets incredible uncomfortable when she sees something is filthy, taking to cleaning almost like a reflex.

Relationships (WIP)

Jack Dorado
She relate to feeling of having a famous parent that you didn't even know was famous until their passing. Due to their weapons of choice being on long sticks, Ashe helps Jack with figuring out how to twirl that big ole axe of his around.

Nana Hunter
Having never had much luck making friends with the other girls growing up, Ashe is more than ecstatic about being able to have a gal pal. However, it's a bit more different than the average friendship as they tend to cause chaos together. Ashe's lack of filter mixed with Nana's brute force makes for a rather destructive Friday night on the town.

Pinokuni Silva
Their relationship at first was rough due to her loving fire and him hating it, leading to the two occasionally bumping heads. Eventually, Ashe came to understand Pin's discomfort about flames and worked on moderating herself around him. Over time, she winded up sprouting a crush on him. Many expected him to reject her, including herself, but Pin winded up accepting her feelings. They are now a devilish duo.

Kai Bouquet
Boyfriend. Initially, she and Kai were just friends who both happened to be dating Pin at the same time. But, over the course of their romantic relationship with Pin, they got closer and closer and eventually started to date as well. She loves to say wild things around him and watch him get super flustered.

Skills and Abilities

Ashe can control fire and use her enchanted broom.


The Blazing Broom. it can act like a flamethrower to burn or a torch to guide. She can also use it to fly, similar to a witch.
