Kai Bouquet


A beautiful prince believed to have been stolen by a monster, he has the ability to transform into a beast to aid in battle. His Fairy Godmother is the one who had actually thrown him into his current situation but she claims it was for his own good. He follows the once duo, then trio, now quartet to aid in their mission to retrieve their happy endings.

Meanwhile, across the sea, his mother and father wait for the day their son returns.


He gets very attached to people close to him. He's highly sensitive and doesn't like it when people get hurt. It takes a lot to really get him angry since he's such a gentle dude but the second a friend gets hurt, he's willing to do whatever it takes to keep them safe.

Skills and Abilities

Kai is cursed to turn into a beast. While he has the occasional control over it, he sometimes transforms if his emotions get too out of control.


The Blade of Beasts is a large rose decorated sword that Kai can summon and use no matter what form he’s in. Due to its size, it can also be used as a shield.


  • Kai loves to make flower crowns for his friends.
  • Kai naturally smells like roses in the rain.