Jack Dorado
A farm boy hailing from a small farm town in Upon who has been thrown head first into the amazing (and horrifying) world of being a fairy tale. His father was the legendary "Jack the Giant Slayer", which means he has mighty big boots to fill. He currently resides in Briar Patch, where he works at Baba's Wooly Curiousities shop as an assistant as well as aiding other village inhabitants in their problems. During his down time, he typically is busy in his sketchbook.
And if he isn't drawing in his sketchbook, he's hanging out with his girlfriend whenever she pops into the village.
Jack is a humble fella who tries his best. He can be pretty awkward at times, struggling to figure out the right words to say or the best way to interact with someone. Thankfully, he makes friends quite easily as many feel relatively comfortable in his presence due to him being so clumsy. He cares greatly about his friends and is always trying to lend a helping hand whenever he sees someone struggling.
Due to living a relatively sheltered life on the farm, raised primarily by his mother, Jack lacks a grand amount of understanding when it comes to all things magical. He can is also a bit oblivious to the more mundance aspects of life. His sheltered mindset means he typically requires a good amount of explanation for understanding certain things. Due to this, many falsely believe him to be "dumb", however Jack can be surprisingly clever when he puts his mind to something. Often, he ends up creating solutions to problems by thinking outside of the box. His quick thinking is what helps get him, and his team, out of quite a few touch situations.
Jack also has a great deal of patience, often requiring a great deal of poking and proding to get him seriously angry.
That being said, it's not entirely impossible to irritate or annoy Jack. However, he isn't the type to scream or yell at someone, opting instead to steer clear of those that make him feel unpleasant. It's always easy to tell when Jack is reaching an emotional peak due to his eyes shifting from their normal honey gold tint to bright green due to his Slayer mode activating whenever he feels a high amount of adrenaline.
Jack isn't very keen on fighting, only because he lacks confidence in his skills on the battlefield. Even though Xia trains him on how to wield his Märchen, he still feels extra pressure to master it so he can be of use to his team.
Due to being a Slayer, Jack's normally cheerful persona can flip into a more silent and serious one. This is a switch that most often occurs during battles, where his lack of confidence goes straight out the window and he becomes a lethal weapon. While this switch is beneficial to coming out victorious in fights, it can lead to emotional outbursts in normal settings. Jack tries to avoid triggering his Slayer mode as often as possible due to this, which leads to conflicts when he is on the battle as his Slayer self has better combat skills than his default mentality.
Thanks to Nana, Jack is slowly unlearning his negative perspective on his Slayer self due to her eliciting a more tender side from it.
Relationships (WIP)
Nana Hunter
Jack's Moonlight. It was love at first sight and the farm boy fell hella hard. He continues to fall the more he learns and hangs out
with her. He doesn't mind her more rough side, finding it a bonus to her charm. All he knows is that he wants to keep her happy and smiling because that's when she looks the prettiest.
Even though he knows that their stories are completely unrelated, destined always to be separate, being with Nana is the happy ending he truly desires in life.
Pinokuni Silva
Due to Pin being Jack's first best friend, it was an awkward and rocky start between them. After warming up to each other, the farmboy
has come to respect some of Pin's straight forwardness and is thankful for his presence whenever they encounter some less-than-plesant people.
Some of the puppet has been rubbing off on Jack as he's been progressively standing up for himself more often.
Kai Bouquet
Jack feels very comfortable around Kai as both enjoy dabbling in things some see as "feminine". Jack is always interested in listening to how life is like as a prince, having only grown up hearing tales about living in big palaces. The two also bond over their pasts in gardening and farming.
Ashe Stokes
Jack used to be nervous around the flames Ashe would send out but after awhile, he's become used to it. He doesn't scream as loud
whenever she sets off an explosion.
Jack is always impressed with Xia's skills in battle and how they handle themself. It's not too far to say he idolizes them, especially after finding out they initially weren't even Bookmarked.
Miss Castor
Jack respects the witch a great amount and always feels bad for having to be sent in for patch ups.
Hazel and Kettle Castor
Brother and Sister from a different mister.
Prince Charming
Jack's rival, though not by choice. Charming is one of the few things that can make his eyes go green in seconds.
Skills and Abilities
When filled with enough adrenaline, Jack's enters a state commonly referred to as "Slayer mode" where his Slayer Drive heightens his instincts and reflexes. This persona is more serious and only noticeable when Jack's eyes turn green. Like many fairytales, Jack has the ability to use his Märchen which commonly summons a large battle axe known as "The Axe of Giants".
Magic Boots
A gift from his late father, these boots just increase his agility and speed as well as raise his stamina. Jack can leap large heights and even run up vertical or dangerous surfaces.
Malt's Bell
Recieved from the moon. It's used to summon Malt Whey from the stars.
The Axe of Giants can cut through just about anything with ease. It's tremendously heavy to everyone save for Jack, who feels only a fraction of its true weight.
No matter where it's thrown, the axe will always return to Jack when called back. Due to the velocity it gains on the trip, it's been known to slice through a couple unfortunate souls.
A megamove, Jack summons the aid of a large strone figure wielding a giant axe. Think of it as a mech...but more magical.
- Although his full name is Jackson Slayman, his father thought it would be confusing for two Jack Slaymans to be walking around and suggested Aurelia giving him her last name instead.
- Jack was originally born with green eyes, similar to his father. Upon reaching 4 months old, his eyes slowly shifted to his mother's golden.
- Jack has no limit to what he wears. If given the choice, he will pick a skirt or dress over pants. Sadly, he is self concious and often wears more masculine clothing due to anxiety.
- Jack rarely swears and often uses replacement words, such as "Flock" for "Fuck".
- Strangely enough, Jack has the natural cent of sweetened coffe, even though he rarely drinks the stuff. Many people find it a calming smell and feel more relaxed around him due to it.
- Jack can't swim and has a fear of large bodies of water. If he can't see the bottom of something filled with water, he'll have no part in it.
- In relation to the above, he is also prone to getting sea sick as his experience with sea faring are minimal.
- His fear could be directly traced back to when he nearly drowned in the river as a kid and had to be rescued.
- Jack has a fear of horses due to a bad encounter one* when he was a child.
- *In actuality, he had run an aggressive hornless unicorn when he was a little kid and almost got trampled to death by it. Ever since, he's been wary around horses in general.
- Prior to owning Malt, Jack had one other pet; a chicken. Sadly, due to decaying living confiditions, his mother and him had to eat it.
- Jack is a concerningly big fan of sweets. He loses a bit of self control, going to extremes for sugary treats and has been known to stuff his face with them until he gets sick.
- Jack has a high spice tolerance. Spicey food has no effect on him. It lowkey freaks people out to watch him gleefully munching away on hot foods like he's just enjoying a casual snack.
- In the modern AU, Jack knows a bit of Spanish thanks to his mother.
- Jack has a form of odaxelagnia when it comes to Nana's teeth. Although many find her razor sharp points to be intimidating, he tends to get flustered when he sees them.
- Jack is an early riser but a heavy sleeper. He'll be the first to wake up in the morning but once he hits the hay, it takes a lot to wake him back up.
- Jack seems to strangely understand animals - specifically the types you find on farms like cows, chickens, goats, sheeps and pigs. He is most fluent in cow. Some find it impressive, others find it ridiculous.
- Jack is also very good at mimicking farm animal noises.